Corporate Fundraising

Corporate Partnership at Crossroads Care Rotherham

Will your company support unpaid carers, this could be many of your current staff members?

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.”

A partnership with Crossroads Care ROTHERHAM DEMONSTARATES a commitments to supporting unpaid carers in Rotherham.

as well as raising virtual funds to support our services, we will raise awarness of the challenges of being a unpaid carer and the impact unpaid caring has on the whole family unit and the economy in Rotherham.

We are proud of our stratergy 

the three main benfits for local buinessess.


Though it’s not a physical result, it’s proven that customers are more likely to support companies based on if and where the company donates. Purchases are highly motivated by how the customers feel about the company and of course, the product, so keeping up a positive reputation can only help.


Working to better your reputation and build your philanthropic endeavours will result in more profit. You can use your reputation to solidify your branding and influence an increase in transactions. If your public perception is positive, customers will most likely respond in a similar manner.


A company’s generous behaviour will certainly be recognized by its following. Seeing as most non-profits and charitable organizations rely heavily on social media and media in general, there will always be a public announcement of any corporation’s contribution through Crossroads Care Rotherham. .

Ideas on what you can do to support Crossroads care Rotherham:

One off donation of £50 – £10k help us support unpaid carers in Rotherham.

Regular Giving £50 – £500 per month could secure services long-term.

Sponsor Events through Crossroads care e.g. golf tournaments, charity ball etc.

£250 can pay for a carers grants allowing carers to access white goods, technology, mental health services…. All increasing their resilience for their caring role

Arranging fundraising events, race nights, raffles etc.  

Covering the cost of Carers Christmas Dinner £25 p/person

Carers Christmas hampers – donate goods to fill hampers …..

Winter wellbeing packs –Donate goods, tined food, gloves, hats, blankets, tea, coffee ….

Charity of the year – raises the awareness within the local area of our charity & ensures carers come forward who need our support

Discounted goods for carers/staff members


How we can support local business:    

We can support you by offering info & support to working carers; access to training; training facilities/meeting rooms on site available for hire, private therapy sessions (such a as a mini massage or reiki), access to mental health support for working carers – both in town centre & Bradmarsh business park (free parking at Bradmarsh

Bag it up days - to support our charity shop

We are currently looking for donations of…
*Bric a Brac
*Unwanted gifts

Covering the cost of Carers and Clients Christmas Dinner

You can cover the costs for a well earned Christmas lunch for Clients, that may not get to have such a special day. They may not have any family or leave the house.