Crossroads Care Rotherham
A non profit organisation supporting carers and people with care needs in their own homes.
As a charity, we care for people not for profit. No-one cares more than Crossroads Care, not just in the scale of what we do or the 35 + years experience that we have, but in the way we define care.
We focus on quality and provide services to support your loved ones and YOU.
We offer a full range of services for all ages, disabilities or health conditions at any time of day or night. We are registered with CQC and hold a rating of “OUTSTANDING” and are also rated as “EXCELLENT” by Rotherham Council.
Facts about carers
- One in five (1 in 5) adults are carers – that’s around 10.6 million people
- 1.25 million people provide over 50 hours of care per week
- Over a quarter of carers said they were struggling financially were cutting back on essentials, such as food or heating
- 41% of carers have not had a break in the last yearÂ
A year in numbers...
Visits To Clients
Free Therapies
People Supported
Care Hours